China listed among worst human trafficking offenders
U.S. officials say Washington is poised to declare China among the world's worst offenders on human trafficking, placing it alongside the likes of North Korea, Iran and Syria.
The downgrade to the lowest ranking of 'Tier 3' is expected to be announced by Secretary of State Rex Tillerson on Tuesday during the annual Trafficking in Persons Report to Congress.
The move is likely to aggravate tensions with Beijing and hinder efforts by President Trump to get his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping to help rein in Pyongyang's nuclear and missile programs.
The reason for the downgrade is not yet known, but in the State Department's report last year it said Beijing did not meet minimum standards for tackling human trafficking, but was making efforts.
The officials' comments come about a week after Trump tweeted that China's efforts to deal with North Korea had not worked out.
The downgrade to the lowest ranking of 'Tier 3' is expected to be announced by Secretary of State Rex Tillerson on Tuesday during the annual Trafficking in Persons Report to Congress.
The move is likely to aggravate tensions with Beijing and hinder efforts by President Trump to get his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping to help rein in Pyongyang's nuclear and missile programs.
The reason for the downgrade is not yet known, but in the State Department's report last year it said Beijing did not meet minimum standards for tackling human trafficking, but was making efforts.
The officials' comments come about a week after Trump tweeted that China's efforts to deal with North Korea had not worked out.
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