AGF sets up centre for criminal prosecutions

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AGF sets up centre for criminal prosecutions
By John Chuks Azu & Clement A. Oloyede | Publish Date: Aug 30 2017 2:10AM

The Attorney General and Minister for Justice, Abubakar Malami (SAN), has announced plans to create a central body that will coordinate all criminal prosecutions in the country.
Malami revealed the sweeping institutional and policy reforms yesterday in Abuja while presenting the ministry’s report for 2016-2017 legal year.
This is coming at a time that the frosty relationship between the minister and the EFCC has burst into the open lately.
The new body will comprise a Coordinating Centre for all federal government criminal justice agencies as well as an investigation unit.The reforms will be inaugurated in October, he said.
The minister said the coordinating centre has become “eminently necessary” because of lack of effective cooperation and collaboration among the criminal justice and security agencies in Nigeria.
It is intended to achieve effective coordination of all criminal justice agencies in the country to enable proactive case management and effective prosecutions, he said.
This will enable his office to have first-hand information of the status of all criminal investigations/trials in the country and:
*Promote and enhance quick and easy coordination of all federal criminal cases within the Federal Republic of Nigeria.
*To enable the Office of the HAGF to checkmate abuse and or proliferation of criminal cases in Nigeria.
*To facilitate centralization and easy access to information for a robust and effective criminal justice system in Nigeria.
Malami also said the establishment of the investigation unit is to address the failure of legal expertise in the conduct and process of investigations by the various security agencies.
AGF sets up centre for criminal prosecutions
By John Chuks Azu & Clement A. Oloyede | Publish Date: Aug 30 2017 2:10AM

The Attorney General and Minister for Justice, Abubakar Malami (SAN), has announced plans to create a central body that will coordinate all criminal prosecutions in the country.
Malami revealed the sweeping institutional and policy reforms yesterday in Abuja while presenting the ministry’s report for 2016-2017 legal year.
This is coming at a time that the frosty relationship between the minister and the EFCC has burst into the open lately.
The new body will comprise a Coordinating Centre for all federal government criminal justice agencies as well as an investigation unit.The reforms will be inaugurated in October, he said.
The minister said the coordinating centre has become “eminently necessary” because of lack of effective cooperation and collaboration among the criminal justice and security agencies in Nigeria.
It is intended to achieve effective coordination of all criminal justice agencies in the country to enable proactive case management and effective prosecutions, he said.
This will enable his office to have first-hand information of the status of all criminal investigations/trials in the country and:
*Promote and enhance quick and easy coordination of all federal criminal cases within the Federal Republic of Nigeria.
*To enable the Office of the HAGF to checkmate abuse and or proliferation of criminal cases in Nigeria.
*To facilitate centralization and easy access to information for a robust and effective criminal justice system in Nigeria.
Malami also said the establishment of the investigation unit is to address the failure of legal expertise in the conduct and process of investigations by the various security agencies.
*To address such anomalies that leads to consistent rejection of vital/relevant evidence in the course of prosecution and
*The witling down of the probative value of such evidence owing to inappropriate investigation.
The unit, he said, shall coordinate and form part of every investigation in Nigeria for a robust investigation and successful prosecution of such cases.
The core function/mandate of the Investigation Unit shall consist of the following:
*To advise every security agency carrying out investigation on the best lawful and admissible means of such investigation for effective prosecution thereafter.
*To actively form part of every sensitive and important investigation, as a synergy to successful investigation and prosecution of such cases.
*To ensure that every evidence obtained maintain the nature, value and form admissible in law court.
*To ensure that every investigation is comprehensibly and conclusively conducted.
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