Jay Z stops a Live show to discuss Meek Mill's prison sentence

Earlier this week Meek Mill was ordered by a judge in Philadelphia to return to prison for two to four years for violating his probation terms. Judge Genece Brinkley cited a failed drug test and Meek's purported failure to adhere to her travel restrictions for the sentence, which was roundly criticized online. Meek's lawyer, Joe Tacopina, later suggested that Brinkley has a personal vendatta against the rapper.
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Since news of the sentence broke hip-hop has united and #FreeeMeekMill has become a trending topic. Among the first to show solidarity with Meek was Jay Z, who shared a passionate Facebook post about the injustice on Monday night. 24 hours later and he was on stage in Dallas, Texas on November 7 where he once again spoke about the subject.
"I've got to say something about a young man by the name of Meek Mill," he said to fans at the American Airlines Center during his 4:44tour date. "He caught a charge when he was, like, 19. He's 30 now, he's been on probation for 11 years. Fucking 11 years. Judge gave him two to four years because he got arrested for being on a bike and popping a fucking wheelie. "
Meek Mill was given a six year probationary period and placed under house arrest for 90 days in 2016 after he performed at a concert without court approval. His original probation was handed down in 2008 after a drug and gun conviction – Meek served eight months in jail and was released.
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