#Buhari444 - What is the connection between Buhari & Jay Z?, see why

Analysis of President Muhammadu Buhari's Speech on the 21st August 2017 by Babajide Ogunsanwo, *The Mystery Code* - *444*.
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You might have heard of the name of *Jay Z* *-King of Hip Hop*
Exactly 4 years after the release of his last album, his new album is titled - 4:44
Jay Z, born on the 4th, married Beyonce on the 4th day of the 4th month of the year.
Beyonce was born on the 4th. Her mother was also born on the 4th.
*Buhari* - *King of Anti Corruption*
-Got back to Nigeria from a medical vacation 4 months to the end of the year to continue his 4 yaer term in Nigeria's 4th Republic; being elected as the 4th Democratic President after contesting 4 times.
- Yesterday, he read a speech that was for exactly 4:44 (4mins 44secs) where he focused on only 4 topics.
He wenr on to sign a letter that was addressed to the National Assembly with only his 4 fingers on the table, Behind him, stood 4 flags.
*Is this coincidence, conspiracy or confidential*
*Oh yes, did I mention, he made his way out of the plane at 4:44 pm*

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