Big Brother's Hottest Moments: Prepare for Major Drama!

Updated Tuesday 21 January 2025 14:0
Big Brother's Hottest Moments: Prepare for Major Drama!
Season 5 of Big Brother Mzansi amps up the heat.

Its exhilarating twists and surprises keep the audience on the edge of their seats.

The controversial reality TV program started on Sunday evening, January 12, with a dramatic two-hour opening that set the tone for a season full of unexpected twists and turns.

The show is unexpected, with housemates selecting a new candidate to join them and phony eviction votes.

The season began with 20 hopefuls entering the Big Brother house.

However, the game became more intense when six new contestants were introduced.

In an unexpected twist, the original housemates were entrusted with voting for four of the six newcomers to stay in the house, while sending the other two home before their trip could begin.

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On Monday, January 13, housemates had their first nomination round. Unbeknownst to them, this round of voting was completely fraudulent.

Savage, Nsuku, and Gugu led the false eviction nominations, which sparked emotions and conjecture among participants and spectators alike.

One noteworthy competitor this season is 34-year-old Nokulunga "Gugu" Ndabezitha of Zola, Soweto, also known as Sis Gugu on the social media site X.

Gugu entered the tournament with the goal of winning the R2 million grand prize and turning her financial position around.

"I entered Big Brother because I am broke. I need the money. "I'm not sure how I'm going to live with people I don't know," Gugu said in her debut video.

"I get annoyed easily, but I don't hate being around others. I am competitive. I've always wanted to push myself and see how far I could go.

With the theme "Umlilo", the 24 candidates are required to show intensity and passion to each assignment.

The grand reward of R2 million raises the stakes higher than ever.

Watch all of the daily action on the official Big Brother Mzansi 24/7 channel on DStv channel 198.

Don't miss the live eviction shows every Sunday at 6 p.m. on Mzansi Magic (DStv channel 161).

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