Italy's Controversial Stance: Why Expelling a Libyan War Crimes Suspect Matters

Updated Friday 24 January 2025 11:0
Italy's Controversial Stance: Why Expelling a Libyan War Crimes Suspect Matters
Italy’s interior minister says he expelled Libyan warlord wanted by the International Criminal Court because he posed a danger to society.

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A Libyan warlord wanted by the International Criminal Court (ICC) was deported by Italy because of security concerns.

In his opening remarks to parliamentarians during a Senate session on Thursday, Italy's Interior Minister Matteo Piantedosi explained the government's choice to deport the warlord rather than turn him over for prosecution.

Ossama Anjiem, also called Ossama al-Masri, was welcomed as a hero in Tripoli, the capital of Libya, after being transported there by an Italian government aircraft. After going to a football game in Turin over the weekend, he was taken into custody.

Piantedosi claims that due to "urgent security reasons, with my expulsion order, in view of the danger posed by the subject," al-Masri was sent back to Tripoli. Citing a planned speech to lawmakers next week, the interior minister addressed the Senate without providing any details.

Senators were worried that Rome had failed to turn over sought criminal offenders as required by the ICC, which is headquartered in The Hague. They called repeatedly on Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni to answer questions from legislators.

is charged by the ICC warrant with committing war crimes and crimes against humanity in Libya's Mitiga jail beginning in 2015. The warlord faces a life sentence in jail for his crimes.

According to the ICC, he was charged with numerous horrible offenses, including rape, torture, and murder. According to the court, Italy was among the member states who received the warrant on Saturday. Real-time information about al-Masri's entry into Europe was also supplied by the court.

At the time, the court reminded Italy to get in touch with it "right away" if it encountered any difficulties assisting with the warrant. However, al-Masri was released on Tuesday by an order from Rome's court of appeals, and he was then flown back to Libya on an Italian secret services plane.

His repatriation was due to a "procedural error in his arrest," according to the Rome court.

According to the court, as the justice ministry is the organization that manages all ties with the ICC, Justice Minister Carlo Nordio had to have been notified in advance.

Human rights organizations have uncovered egregious violations in the detention centers in Libya where migrants are held. They blame Italy for their abuse after al-Masri was expelled and returned to Libya.

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