5 Surprising Nigerian Discoveries to Ignite Your Curiosity

Updated Thursday 30 January 2025 15:0
5 Surprising Nigerian Discoveries to Ignite Your Curiosity
5 extraordinary discoveries in Nigeria

Nigeria is a stunning country that has seen many amazing discoveries.

This is best illustrated by the fact that several of Nigeria's fascinating and fascinating locations are listed as World Heritage Sites by the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).

This list might persuade tourists that Nigeria is a fantastic place to go on vacation.

Nigeria has made five remarkable discoveries, which include:

1. The Walls of Benin (800-1400AD

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The Walls of Benin, the world's longest ancient earthworks and arguably the biggest man-made monument, are located in Edo State today.

They connect over 500 settlements over an area of 6500 square kilometers. Before it was revealed in 2012 that the Great Wall of China is actually over 21,000 km long, it was believed to be twice as long at about 16000 km.

2. Nigeria is the Twin Capital of the World

Due to its exceptionally high twin rate—158 twins per 1000 births—Igbo-Ora, a small town in Oyo state, Nigeria, has earned the moniker "Twine capital of the world." Every family in town has at least one twin, according to locals!

3. The discovery of the Dufuna Canoe, Africa's oldest boat

In May 1987, a Fulani herdsman was digging a well in Dufuna village, Yobe state, when he found the Dufuna canoe, Africa's oldest known boat.

The boat is over 8,000 years old, making it the oldest in Africa and the third oldest in the world, according to the results of several radiocarbon tests carried out in labs of respectable universities in Europe and America. The canoe's discovery fundamentally altered preconceived notions about the origins and level of sophistication of African marine technology.

4. Nigeria is home to Africa's largest single ancient monument

The greatest pre-colonial structure in Africa is said to be Sungbo's Eredo, a 160-kilometer rampart with guard houses and moats. It was constructed a thousand years ago and is situated in what is now Ijebu-Ode, Ogun State.

Compared to the Great Pyramid of Giza (one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World), more soil had to be moved during construction for this moat's technologically advanced design.

The most astounding fact is that, when it was constructed in the Middle Ages, Sungbo's Eredo was the largest metropolis in the world, larger than Cairo and Rome.

Built between 800 and 1,000 AD, it served as a shield during the conflict. The wall's location in the woodland is said to be the Queen of Sheba's final resting place. It is situated in Ogun State's Ijebu-Ode.

5. Ancient Kano City Walls

The Kano city wall, which Sakri Gijimasu constructed between 1095 and 1134 and finished in the 14th century, encapsulates Kano's history.

Mud and an antiquated method were used to build the sturdy walls, which strengthened the city. In actuality, portions of the wall remain intact to this day.

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