Elliot Page Brings 'Beyond: Two Souls' to Life as a TV Series – Here's What to Expect

Elliot Page Turns 'Beyond: Two Souls' into a Thrilling TV Adventure
Beyond: Two Souls, the Quantic Dream-made interactive thriller starring Elliot Page and Willem Dafoe, is being adapted for TV by Page’s Pageboy Productions, Deadline reports.
According to Deadline, the series, which is still in the early stages of development, is "expected to explore the game's non-linear narrative." You play as Jodie (played by Page) in the game, and occasionally as Aiden, a supernatural being with whom she is somehow associated. Although I haven't played the game personally, Sean Hollister's assessment of its 2013 PlayStation 3 premiere gives you a good notion of what it's about.
According to Deadline, the series, which is still in the early stages of development, is "expected to explore the game's non-linear narrative." You play as Jodie (played by Page) in the game, and occasionally as Aiden, a supernatural being with whom she is somehow associated. Although I haven't played the game personally, Sean Hollister's assessment of its 2013 PlayStation 3 premiere gives you a good notion of what it's about.
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"One of the most difficult and rewarding acting experiences of my career was filming the game," Page tells Deadline in a statement. The story's emotional depth and intricate narrative provide us with an excellent starting point. Our goal is to develop a distinctive interpretation of the characters and their stories that appeals to both newcomers and enthusiasts.
The TV adaptation's possible release date and likely airing location are still unknown.
The TV adaptation's possible release date and likely airing location are still unknown.
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