Ijoba Lande Reveals Ex-Wife’s Escapades

Updated Wednesday 5 March 2025 15:0
Ijoba Lande Reveals Ex-Wife’s Escapades
Nigerian comedian Ganiyu Kehinde Morufu, best known by his stage as Ijoba Lande, has disclosed some of his ex-wife's sexual adventures with other performers.

In a recent interview, Ijoba Lande disclosed that his ex-wife, who had two children prior to their marriage, had been unfaithful to him with 21 other stars from the film industry.

"My wife invited her man-friend on the day of our child's naming ceremony, and he was dancing with her and tapping her behind," he stated. Without being overly dramatic, 21 actors have slept with my wife in the film industry alone. They will kill me if I start mentioning their names because they are among the powerful persons in the sector.

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"I could attest to this woman in heaven and on earth, and I had a great deal of faith in her. She is not as decent as a dog. She has affairs with any man, regardless of social standing. I get threats from some of the men she sleeps with all day and night.

"I don't want to die, which is one of the reasons I'm speaking up. Justice for Lande is not what I want people to yell. once they've murdered me. Because of her, I haven't been happy or at peace for more than two years.

"I have naked photos of my wife and a man in bed, and she smoked marijuana and Banku. I had no idea she did these things for more than four years of our marriage, even though I was taking good care of her and making her feel good in bed." "Women are cunning and wicked."

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