Meet Canada’s New Prime Minister, Mark Carney

Updated Tuesday 11 March 2025 11:0
Meet Canada’s New Prime Minister, Mark Carney
Mark Carney, a former central banker and economist, has had an illustrious career spanning global finance, and climate advocacy. 

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Declaring, "This Is No Time for Politics as Usual," he joined Politics in 2024.

Carney formally began his political career on January 16, 2024, emphasizing the need for reform and a new style of leadership.

Carney, who has a track record of providing stable leadership during emergencies, is entering Canadian politics with pledges of progressive ideas and economic stability.

Carney's effect on the country's financial system is demonstrated by the fact that his signature can be found on Canadian money as the former Governor of the Bank of Canada.
As the first non-British leader of the Bank of England since its establishment in 1694, Carney created history.

Known for his charisma and intellect, Carney was once likened to the Hollywood star. "A very low bar," he said, downplaying the resemblance.

Carney is entering electoral politics for the first time, despite having a wealth of financial and governmental experience.

Carney's dedication to climate change initiatives was demonstrated in his symbolic $1 yearly pay at the U.N.

Carney, who was a third-string goalie on Harvard's varsity squad and even participated in a game versus Colgate, is an avid hockey enthusiast.

Although readers ranked him 19th, the editors of Reader's Digest Canada named him the "Most Trusted Canadian" in 2011.

Carney completed the 2015 London Marathon in 3 hours and 31 minutes, demonstrating his stamina.

Being the godfather of the kid of former Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland is one of his close political connections.

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