Toyin Abraham’s ‘Alakada Bad and Boujee” hits N500m at box office

With her most recent picture, "Alakada Bad and Boujee," earning N500 million at the box office and ranking as the fifth highest-grossing film of all time, actress and filmmaker Toyin Abraham is celebrating a significant accomplishment.
Abraham thanked her followers and said she constantly aims to surpass her past successes and push the boundaries of the film business.
She disclosed that she strives to surpass her own previous records with every new endeavor.
Abraham wrote: "I'm thankful for this adventure at every turn! I've always challenged myself to outperform my previous accomplishments, and today we've made 500 million naira at the box office, making this the fifth highest-grossing film ever!
Abraham thanked her followers and said she constantly aims to surpass her past successes and push the boundaries of the film business.
She disclosed that she strives to surpass her own previous records with every new endeavor.
Abraham wrote: "I'm thankful for this adventure at every turn! I've always challenged myself to outperform my previous accomplishments, and today we've made 500 million naira at the box office, making this the fifth highest-grossing film ever!
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Every time I go to the movies, I try to do better than I did the last time, to push the envelope and establish new benchmarks. I always measure myself against my previous accomplishment. The objective is to beat the previous record! With God's grace, I was able to break this record on my next expedition. I'm incredibly grateful to all of my supporters who helped make this happen, and this is only the beginning. We continue to rise!
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