The YouTube Interview with Obama and what he said about Nigeria
Listen to the The YouTube stars (Bethany Mota, GloZell Green & Hank Green ) Interviewing Barack Obama and what he said about Nigeria. There were other funny moments such as when one gave him a purple lipstick and said: "For your first wife!" Obama raised eyebrows, "Is there anything you know that I don't know?" When asked about Nigeria, read on to see his response.
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About the missing Chibok girls and efforts by the US government to rescue them he said:
"As people may or may not know, Boko haram is a radical, violent, terrible extremist organisation in Nigeria. It kidnapped 200 young women and there are in many cases still being held. What we tried to do is to help the Nigerian government deal with the problem. The Nigerian government has not been effective as it needs to be in not only finding the girls but also stopping these extremist organization from operating in their territory. What we have tried to do is to mobilize other countries to try to give the Nigerian government more resources, not just military equipment but also better intelligence. A lot of them to track where these folks are and try to stop them"
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