Woman spends 2 years with brothers corpse before police got involved

Updated Friday 6 February 2015 20:0
Woman spends 2 years with brothers corpse before police got involved
A woman spent 2 years with her brothers corpse before police got involved and arrested her. But that's not the full story, she left the corpse because people accused her of killing the brother who had mental illness and using her body for food business. And instead of tamper with the body in a burial rites, she left the body for 2 years. Read full story below:

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The body of Stephen Aloefuna, a former footballer with Rangers International Football Club in the 1980s was recently discovered in his family home in Amikwo Village in Awka South LGA 

"I am innocent. I did not kill my brother. Everybody knew he had a mental problem and was seriously sick before he died. Before he died, I was the only person that was taking care of him for years and nobody asked me how he was faring until he died. They said I killed him and used his body to prepare the food that I sell but only God knows the truth. I leave it for God to judge. I decided to cover him till he, one of our brothers, comes back because only I cannot bury him. After two years of his death, some of our family members came and asked of him and I told them he is dead and they said I should show them his grave. I opened his room and showed them where he died. Then I was arrested and taken to the police station" she said


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