Boko Haram needs only a prisoner to release over 200 Chibok Girls

It would have been simple to say that the demand of Boko Haram isn't excessive - releasing one of their man in prison in exchange for over 200 girls whose #BringBackOurGirls campaign has gone worldwide. But the thing is, the prisoner in question makes IED, the bombs that have killed thousands. So, maybe, Buhari was right when he addressed Nigerians in the French Capital Paris. He said:
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"They wanted us to release one of their leaders who is a strategic person in developing and making Improvised IEDs that is causing a lot of havoc in the country by blowing people in Churches, Mosque, market places, motor parks and other places. But it's very important that if we are going to talk to any body, we have to know how much he is worth. Let them bring all the girls and then, we will be prepared to negotiate, I will allow them to come back to Nigeria or to be absolved in the community.
We have to be very careful, the concern we have for the Chibok girls, one only imagine if they got a daughter there between 14 and 18 and for more than one and a half year, a lot of the parents who have died would rather see the graves of their daughters rather the condition they imagine they are in.
This has drawn a lot of sympathy though out the world, that is why this government is getting very hard in negotiating and getting the balance of those who are alive, ” he said
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