Boko Haram: Some Nigerian soldiers disobey their superior to fight, demand better equipment

About 40 Nigerian soldiers are reported to have refused orders from their superior to move to the North to fight Boko Haram, saying they will only obey the order if they are provided with better equipment.
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One of the mutineers who spoke anonymously with BBC Hausa said lack of good weapons and ammunition to fight the terror group is why a lot of soldiers get slaughtered by the insurgents, adding that the Nigerian army is not ready to fight Boko Haram
“Soldiers are dying like fowl. The Nigerian army is not ready to fight Boko Haram. Boko Haram are inside the bush, everywhere. They (senior commanders) are sacrificing soldiers" he said. Continue...
The mutineer also stated that the armored cars they are expected to use in battle are old and outdated.
He said he could not be court marshaled by his superior for taking part in the mutiny because only soldiers who decline to take part in wars are court-marshaled, stating that he and his other colleagues are not declining to go to war but are only asking for better equipments before they go to war.
He said he could not be court marshaled by his superior for taking part in the mutiny because only soldiers who decline to take part in wars are court-marshaled, stating that he and his other colleagues are not declining to go to war but are only asking for better equipments before they go to war.
"I joined the army to defend my country but you cannot defend it without being equipped to do so" he said
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