Burglar dies in Chimney after homeowner lighted up fire

A Burglar tried to enter a California home through the chimney, but unfortunately for him and fortunate enough for the homeowner, the stove was lit and the burglar died of suffocation and gas inhalation. Fresno County Sheriff's Lt. Brandon Pursell said a homeowner in the rural town of Huron heard someone yell after lighting a fire in his fireplace.
Pursell said the homeowner called 911 and also tried to put out the fire as his house began to fill with smoke.
Firefighters who rushed to the chaotic scene used jackhammers to break open the brick chimney in an attempt to rescue the man.
However, the suspected burglar, who was not immediately identified, had died during the attempted rescue.
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Pursell said the homeowner called 911 and also tried to put out the fire as his house began to fill with smoke.
Firefighters who rushed to the chaotic scene used jackhammers to break open the brick chimney in an attempt to rescue the man.
However, the suspected burglar, who was not immediately identified, had died during the attempted rescue.
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