'tooxclusive.com.ng' Is A Scam Website, Please Beware!

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The official and authentic tooXclusive website can be ONLY be accessed, and operates strictly from the url (link) www.tooXclusive.com
However, some fraudsters have resorted to an illegal medium of hijacking our brand name and also cloning every of our website content (perhaps as a means to attaining dubious credibility), to extort money from unsuspecting clients. We can assure you that legal actions against the owners of the domain are already in motion.
Over time, we have dealt with scam social media accounts posing all over the internet as representatives of the tooXclusive brand. That’s why we have time and time again, encouraged site visitors and clients to please familiarize themselves with the actual members of the tooXclusive team in order to avoid being victimized in the future.
Now again, we are informing everyone to please cut off and avoid at all cost whatsoever, any business linkages with the managers of this said website www.tooxclusive.com.ng as they do not have affiliation in any regard to and with us. TooXclusive will not be held responsible for any errors or damages (both in business and character) incurred, based on ignorant yet illicit transaction carried out with them.
If you are in doubt, please seek proper clarification by directing your questions, concerns and requests through the appropriate web and social media channels.
Thank you!
Source: tooxclusive.com
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