The Meaning Of Ramadan Kareem

The Islāmic calendar is also known as the Hijri calendar. It consists of twelve months and 354 or 355 days in a year.
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This calendar is used by Muslims to calculate the exact dates of Islāmic holidays and rituals. It is also used to decide the time for the pilgrimage to Mecca known as Hajj.
The month of Ramadan has twenty-nine to thirty days depending on the appearance of the crescent moon. Muslims believe that the Quran was firstly given to the Prophet Mohammed during the month of Ramadan. For this reason, the month of Ramadan is known as the “best of times”. According to the Quran, fasting is a means of attaining the fear of God.
The instruction to make the month of Ramadan a fasting period was given to Mohammed in the second year of Hijra. It is known as the event which led to the establishment of the first Muslim community.
It is a period of spiritual reflection and improvement. A time for Muslims to increase their devotion and worship.
They are expected to spend more time praying and reciting the Quran. They are to show their generosity by charity giving and good deeds. Muslims also try to be more self-disciplined in the month of Ramadan. During the hours of fasting, he or she must refrain from food, sexual relationships, smoking, and alcohol consumption. T
These practices help Muslims to cleanse their souls and to draw closer to Allah.
Ramadan Kareem is the one the Ramadan greetings. It means Generous Ramadan or Generous Month.
This expression means that in this holy month most of the Muslims intensify their prayers and do their fasting to obey Allah. They experience the feeling of hunger so they know how poor people who have no food feel and that will motivate them to help poor people.
The generosity of the month refers to the rewards that Allah will grant blessings to Muslims who makes faithful and intense worship during Ramadan.
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