Barack Obama Might Have Revealed Beyonce & Jay Z's Twins Sexes

Barack Obama might have given a hint to the fans on the sexes of the twins that Beyonce and Jay Z are expecting.
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“Jay and I are also fools for our daughters, though he’s gonna have me beat once those two twins show up,” Obama says in the video. “And let’s face it, we both have wives who are significantly more popular than we are.”

Barack and Michelle Obama currently have two daughters, and Beyonce and Jay-Z have one. In order to “beat” the Obamas in the daughter game, the Carters would have to add two more girls to the family. This is why the Beyhive is now convinced that Jay-Z and Beyonce’s twins are both girls. Now the big question is whether Blue Ivy’s little sisters have already arrived or if Jay and Bey told Barack Obama the sex of the twins before they were born.
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