Has Beyonce Finally Put To Bed Her Twins?

TMZ, Us Weekly and CNN were among the medias reporting that Beyonce and her husband, Jay Z, had welcomed twins, citing unnamed sources, although Beyonce's social media accounts have said nothing.
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When Beyonce gave birth to her first child, Blue Ivy Carter, on January 7, 2012, a Saturday, she made the world to wait two days for the official announcement of Blue Ivy's arrival, which she tagged;
"We are happy to announce the arrival of our beautiful daughter, Blue Ivy Carter, born on Saturday, January 7, 2012," the couple said in a statement to People magazine the Monday after her birth. "Her birth was emotional and extremely peaceful - we are in heaven. She was delivered naturally at a healthy 7 lbs. It was the best experience of both of our lives. We are thankful to everyone for all your prayers, well wishes, love and support."
"We are happy to announce the arrival of our beautiful daughter, Blue Ivy Carter, born on Saturday, January 7, 2012," the couple said in a statement to People magazine the Monday after her birth. "Her birth was emotional and extremely peaceful - we are in heaven. She was delivered naturally at a healthy 7 lbs. It was the best experience of both of our lives. We are thankful to everyone for all your prayers, well wishes, love and support."
Therefore, if she had really given birth, she might as well keep her fans in suspense until she finally announces the news.
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