Inmates sneaks out of jail to steal and sneaks back after operation

A group of prisoners busted out of jail this week, burgled a bargain store — and then broke back in and returned to their cells, the police have said.
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Mississippi News reported that the inmates, identified as Levontaye Ellington, Travis Baker, Maurice Robertson and Jacquiez Williams broke out of the Holmes-Humphreys County Correctional Facility in Lexington Tuesday by hopping a fence.
Once in the clear, the men walked less than a mile to a Dollar General chain store after closing and swiped anything they could grab.
“They stole cigarettes, cigarette lighters, phones and just items they felt they could sell in jail,” Lexington Police Chief Robert Kirklin said according to the report.
According to NYpost, rather than extend their newfound freedom, the foursome inexplicably snuck back into the jail, undetected, baffling police.
“You’re already in jail, but you want to break out and break back in?” the chief said. “That is just something. I heard it all.”
The inmates denied their involvement in the scheme, even though they were caught on store surveillance footage, according to the report.
“Just looking at the type of clothing they had on and just one of the bags they had put some of the merchandise in,” police were able to pin the inmates to the crime, Kirklin said.
The inmates were charged with commercial burglary.
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