King Salman of Saudi Arabia Provides 16 Horses For Putin's Limousine
Russian President Vladimir Putin on Monday arrived in Saudi Arabia in his first trip to the oil-rich kingdom in over a decade.
During his short visit, Putin signed oil agreements and discussed regional security with the nation’s king and crown prince.
King Salman said,
During his short visit, Putin signed oil agreements and discussed regional security with the nation’s king and crown prince.
King Salman said,
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“We look forward to working with Russia to achieve security and stability and fight terrorism,”
But what really turned the eyes was the mounted guard that escorted Putin’s limousine into King Salman’s Al-Yamamah palace in Riyadh.
His 7-tonnes limo made its debut during his inauguration last year. It is now one of the most popular Official State Car on the planet.

The heavily fortied limousine and its Decoy now travels around the world with the President. Named the Aurus Senat, the bomb and bullet-proof vehicle is seen as a match for Donald Trump’s Cadillac state car, aka Beasts.
The one-of-a-kind luxury car will also keep the President and other occupants safe when fully submerged in water – James Bond’s Lotus Esprit submarine car comes to mind.
The one-of-a-kind luxury car will also keep the President and other occupants safe when fully submerged in water – James Bond’s Lotus Esprit submarine car comes to mind.

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