See How Hackers Attack You & Know How To Protect Your Details

Updated Friday 7 February 2025 20:20
See How Hackers Attack You & Know How To Protect Your Details
Investigation and tracking costs huge funds, now except you are a family members unfortunately these amounts are too negligible for any serious agency to get bothered with had it been you where scammed of very large amounts then it's a different case. Hence most victims are stuck with the NPF as the only platform for assistance. I think if I recall the EFCC only get involved when it's 5 million upwards.

Here's a few pointers to other members

1. If you get an sms from a website asking you to click or visit or register please do not click except you where in the process of setting up some sort of profile online and they sent you a code via SMS.

2. These scam sms will come in form of,,, ,
Or your package has been shipped, or an SMS from Amazon when you know you didn't make a purchase or wining codes and bet tips . Infact last week there was this syndicate who send out sms to victims with Koran verses and links to online readings , this is how smart these criminals have become!.

3. Why do they do this? Once you click the links your phone has been compromised, they will view every single sms you send or receive, they will view every single password you enter on your phone and they will read all your WhatsApp Facebook and any instant.messenger chats on your phone. Any password you enter on your phone they will get it ...hence why you hear people cry that their WhatsApp of Facebook was hacked and they frankly can't remember ever sharing details or logging in anywhere else but their phone.

4. So to be safe once you get such sms don't open them just delete them...infact there have been cases where they use this system for kidnappings and ransome withdrawals.

5. Never I repeat never share your mobile number carelessly!!

6. Becareful the websites where you enter your number for registration, if you have a second number that you don't use for financial transactions use that one.imstead.

7. Very important: the number you use for Bank transfers , please never use it in an internet enabled phone, better purchase a feature phone like Nokia torch that has no internet facility, so if by error your child clicks the sms they can't get your data except you dare connect online. Like my main banking number is in an Nokia 3310 while my other numbers are in smart phones.

8. Irrespective of your os Android or Apple this hackers can get all your information, and it cannot be patched because the same system used in tracking BOKOHARAM and kidnappers is what they have gotten and now use for fraud.

9. Don't be too alarmed as just follow the safety tips I shared and you should be relatively safe

10. Also if you get repeated flashing from +235 +233 +232 or some number in the West Indies and such please don't call back..

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