Turning Rejection Into Opportunity: Recovering After a Failed Audition

Updated Thursday 30 January 2025 11:15
Turning Rejection Into Opportunity: Recovering After a Failed Audition
Overcoming Setbacks: How Actors Can Reignite Their Passion

Didn’t make the role, don’t worry. This is your guide on how to deal with rejection as an actor.

You put your heart and soul into the role, yet you still didn't get it. Aww. No matter how many times you've experienced rejection, it still hurts.

The truth is, though, that all great actors have experienced rejection. How you respond to it is what counts. Let's discuss how to handle missing an audition without losing your will to succeed!

1. Feel it but don't think about it too much.
Feeling disappointed is acceptable. You're only human! Allow yourself a day or a few minutes to come to terms with the rejection. After that, however, get back up and carry on.

Enjoy your favorite meal, take a walk, or watch an uplifting film. After acknowledging your emotions, let them go.

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2. Seek input (if at all possible)
Although not all casting directors provide criticism, if they do, use it as a chance to grow. Did you deliver it? Your vitality? Or something else? You can do better the next time if you know what worked and what didn't. Be kind and professional if you do ask for input.

A disgruntled loser is disliked by everyone.

3. Remember that talent isn't the only factor in rejection.
They may desire a different look, voice, or energy, so even if you give a great performance, you might not get the part. It's about the jigsaw pieces coming together; it's not personal. Consider that I wasn't the appropriate fit this time rather than that I wasn't good enough.

4. Return to your job.
Your career does not end with a single "no." Continue honing your skills, training, and auditioning. Rejection is best handled by remaining engaged and moving forward. Work on a monologue, take an acting class, or film a brief scene with a friend. Remain alert!

5. Continue to network and stay in touch
The casting director may still consider you for another part even if you didn't book this one. Maintain communication, act professionally, and continue to cultivate connections. After auditions, send a brief thank-you email. Be straightforward and upbeat.

6. Listen, Take Note, Repeat
Each audition serves as a workout. Every rejection is a positive step. You get better and create more opportunities for yourself the more times you audition. There's always the next chance. Continue to show up.


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