Explained: ?180m Hack and the 'VeryDarkMan' NGO Allegation

After claiming that ?180 million was taken from his NGO account in a hacking event, social media pundit Martins Otse, also known as VeryDarkMan, is coming under fire.
Otse stated in a Friday Instagram video that ?180 million had been moved to an unidentified account, leaving only ?20 million left.
But many have questioned the veracity of his answer, casting doubt on it.
Dr. J expressed skepticism by asking, "Was the money in the website or the bank?" on Twitter under the handle #truebenny001.
This Occurred (Ep 285): TikTok Ban Drama Is Over in the United States,
"VeryDarkMan said ?180m is missing from the ?200m donation for his NGO," Basito wrote in a tweet under the handle #Itzbasito. Consider the following scenario: let's pretend we are elementary school pupils.
Otse stated in a Friday Instagram video that ?180 million had been moved to an unidentified account, leaving only ?20 million left.
But many have questioned the veracity of his answer, casting doubt on it.
Dr. J expressed skepticism by asking, "Was the money in the website or the bank?" on Twitter under the handle #truebenny001.
This Occurred (Ep 285): TikTok Ban Drama Is Over in the United States,
"VeryDarkMan said ?180m is missing from the ?200m donation for his NGO," Basito wrote in a tweet under the handle #Itzbasito. Consider the following scenario: let's pretend we are elementary school pupils.
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Mas Dinero, using the handle #Mas_Dinero_ on Twitter, tweeted incredulously, "?180 million don disappear just like that? So, who is responsible for this NGO, hackers or not? since there is no distinct o in this story. You don't have any money, do you? Call the EFCC instead; this scenario is out of the usual.
"Lol," said another user, Mikay (#stephen_mikay). No way! Certain transactions are restricted by banks. 180 million won cannot be taken out of a bank account all at once without the signatories' express consent!
Otse's history of closely examining others was brought up by several critics.
"If it were someone else sharing this VeryDarkMan story, he would have set his ring light by now, with his dirty sachet water and black singlet, analyzing God knows what," tweeted Star Girl (#lil_maamiiii). LOL.
"Lol," said another user, Mikay (#stephen_mikay). No way! Certain transactions are restricted by banks. 180 million won cannot be taken out of a bank account all at once without the signatories' express consent!
Otse's history of closely examining others was brought up by several critics.
"If it were someone else sharing this VeryDarkMan story, he would have set his ring light by now, with his dirty sachet water and black singlet, analyzing God knows what," tweeted Star Girl (#lil_maamiiii). LOL.
"Lol," said Datoyo (#heyitzpearl), echoing the mood. He would have set his phone, carried a sachet of water, put on a singlet, and hit the record button if it had been someone else.
Including humor, Using the handle #BRILLIANT_ARIN, God tweeted anonymously, "VeryDarkMan claimed they hacked and stole ?180m from his NGO website lmao." It's a tried-and-true technique: set up the camera, blow it big, and then start using stupid scope for their audience or fans.
Some users emphasized the value of cybersecurity in response to criticism.
Including humor, Using the handle #BRILLIANT_ARIN, God tweeted anonymously, "VeryDarkMan claimed they hacked and stole ?180m from his NGO website lmao." It's a tried-and-true technique: set up the camera, blow it big, and then start using stupid scope for their audience or fans.
Some users emphasized the value of cybersecurity in response to criticism.
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