WHO to introduce Measles-Rubella vaccine in Anambra in September

Updated Saturday 1 March 2025 15:30
WHO to introduce Measles-Rubella vaccine in Anambra in September
The Measles-Rubella (MR) vaccination will be introduced in Anambra State in September, according to a statement released by the World Health Organization (WHO) on Friday.

The WHO Anambra Coordinator, Bonos Mohammed, made the announcement in Awka, the State capital, at a Mothers’ Wellness Summit with the subject – “Mothers’ Well-being: the Pillar of Every Home”.

Women Initiative for Greater Anambra (WIGA) organized the conference in partnership with the Healthy Living with Nonye Soludo Initiative.

Hope Igbonagwam, who represented Mr. Mohammed, explained that the MR vaccination is a combined vaccine that guards against the two infectious diseases that might lead to serious problems.

According to him, the MR vaccine is crucial to bringing the incidence down to one case per million people by 2030, both nationally and sub-nationally.

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According to him, 10,000 children in Nigeria are thought to be born with congenital rubella syndrome (CRS) every year, accounting for one-third of the worldwide burden.

Pneumonia, brain enlargement, and mortality are caused by measles. Because the vaccination is safe and has been used for more than 50 years worldwide, children between the ages of nine months and fourteen should have it, he said.

"Children who are not vaccinated run the risk of catching and spreading the diseases, which could cause outbreaks and complications in both pregnant women and children."

According to him, women can safely receive the vaccine before to becoming pregnant in order to save themselves and their unborn child from pregnancy-related rubella issues.

In order to avoid hesitation when the vaccination is offered in September, Mr. Mohammed advised ladies to inform mothers in their communities about it.

Speaking as well, Nonye Soludo, the governor of Anambra's wife, criticized the state's poor vaccination rate and urged mothers to put their children's health and future first.

According to Mrs. Soludo, vaccinations are crucial for shielding kids from chronic diseases.

"I'm not pleased with the poor vaccination uptake statistics for our state. In order to get their children vaccinated, mothers must make time and transport them to medical facilities, she stated.

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