What we learnt from Nigeria's election
There are really many lessons to be learnt from the election in Nigeria, and they would sound lovely to some Nigerians while others might laugh about it. The first lesson is that Goodluck Ebele Jonathan is an honest man, one of the most honest in Nigeria.
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Before the election, he promised a free and fair election, free of interefernce, but only a few Nigerians believed him. Even some of his PDP supporters believe that he would rig his way to stay in power. But he really meant it. Had he won the election, many would still not believe him. But he needed to be the sacrificial lamb for eveyone to believe him. So he lost, and they are now congratulating him for organizing the first credible election in Nigeria.
This means that observers are wrong. If Jonathan promised and delivered a credible election in 2015, this means that maybe, he had delivered a credible election in 2011, and maybe because he won it, the International media never believed it. They believe an election is credible if the PDP is out of power. That is why they believe this one. When the PDP was leading by popular vote before 8PM on Monday March 30, the observers said Nigeria delivered a free and fair election, but that they fear possible political intereference in the counting system.
It turned out that APC won, and there was never an interference. How are we to know that? Maybe because the incumbent president never complained.
The last lesson which might be bitter to many is that maybe, everything the President has said since he came to power is true. He works for the best interest of Nigerians. He is working for constant electric power to be available. He is fixing the roads. He is fighting insurgency. He is fighting corruption. He is fixing our economy. He promised us a credible elction. He is working at a rate no one else has done. We will appreciate him when he is gone. These are all his words, but not quoted.
And maybe there has been progress, but Nigerians need a change of power to believe it. Now that the change has come, may we embrace it.
But we have learnt one thing for sure, Goodluck Ebele Jonathan is an honest man. We have had just one or maybe two (Musa Yar'Adua whose mandate Jonathan inherited) honest presidents so far in Nigeria. Buhari should make it three.
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