Man repeatedly rapes his 3-year old daughter

42-year old Kwame Asiamah, from Asenua near Mamponteng in the Ashanti region of Ghana, is wanted for allegedly having anal and vaginal sex with his daughter. His wife, Emelia Asiamah, told UltimateFM that she has since been suspected that her husband rapes her daughter, because the girl keeps complaining of pain in her pubic region. She also said that the girl had told her that her father inserts his 'manhood' into her anus and vagina, occasionally. The girl also drips blood in the toilet.
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‘The incident happened two weeks ago, but when I questioned my husband about it, he denied and ran away from the house, claiming he couldn’t have had sex with his own daughter. I knew he was lying to me, I don’t know why the man I married has turned into a pedophile.
My daughter has not been able to attend school since the incident, how can a father do this to his own daughter?, I thank God that he has publicly confessed, but I have reported the case to the police,’ she said.
Ms.Emelia indicated that out of stigmatisation and fear, she had refused to report to the police, when in 2015, the man had anal sex with their second son, who was barely 3 years old then. Kwame Asamiah, is currently wanted for Paedophilia.
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