Executed Andrew Chan left a letter for Indonesian Children warning about Drugs

Executed Andrew Chan left a letter for Indonesian Children warning about Drugs. He wrote a letter which was part of a documentary made available to schools. He was executed by firing squad alongside 7 or 8 others. Read the full letter below:
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The reason why I'm writing you this letter is to address you guys about the dangers of drugs and the effects it can have on you and also others. To tell you a little bit about my life story, I was once 15, 16 and it wasn't too long ago I was sitting in a class just like you guys.'I was an average kid and let me tell you that my teachers didn't like me one bit and I was no teacher's pet. But to cut a long story short, I got mixed up with drugs at a pretty young age and by the time I was 15 I was merged into the scene.'
'Ive done things which I am not proud of in my life and I've made some pretty stupid decisions. My life is a perfect example of an absolute waste.
'Now to elaborate the effects of where I am, I've missed weddings, I've missed funerals and the simple presence of my own family.'The hurt and pain - I don't just put it onto myself, but the pain I put on my family is agonising. A simple touch such as a hug is not possible for a condemned man like me. I have nothing but an iron bar to hug rather than to be embraced by those I love and who I miss.''What you choose today will make what you become tomorrow. If you want to be a thug and a big bad wolf, I'll see you soon inside. But for those that want to do something in life I'd like you guys to see how important it is to put your head down and study hard.'I hope these words will penetrate in your minds and in your hearts and I hope that most of you, if not all of you, will achieve more than I ever did.'
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