Charlie Boy to lead a Political Revolution Against Corruption

It is no news that every politician in Nigeria is corrupt in one way or the other. Charlie Boy, aka Area Father, has decided to take the bull by the horn by declaring to lead a revolution against corrupt politicians.
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He said he would take the first bullet as long as supporters won't back down after he falls.
"Like my friend Obinna said and I agree with him, henceforth.... "DON'T ASK for a Revolution; Be the Revolution. Forget about Buhari's Change. Be the Change. Do not wail for that which is troubling this country; Fight to fix it and make the country great again. Do not hail the Corrupt and destroyers of our Dreams; Expose and ridicule them. The Politicians are Corruptly Connected; Criminally Bonded and Fearful of the MOB; The People. We must be audacious in our Demands; we must be Fearless in our Agitation and we must be ready to sacrifice our all for this Country.
I will take the First Bullet; let my body be the first to drop; Let my Blood be the first to wash our LANDS. But let no Nigeria turn back once we begin this Resistance to Political Insensitivity and mindless looting of our common wealth; Let no Nigerian Walk Alone...The Nigerian Politician is our Enemy; The Nigerian People are the Victim and it is time to channel our anger towards a Peaceful Revolution". We must stop being the victims and become THE FEAR. If our yeye Leaders no fear us, change no go come. Stay tuned for The Change. *Charlyboy Oputa* *(AreaFada)* *President* *Frustrated Nigerians*h
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