At APC Secretariat; Party Members Shout Up Nepa

Evidence of the difficulties in the land now technically couched as recession was apparent on the faces of the people around.
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The hustle and bustle that in the past made the secretariat wear the aura of festivity were totally missing. A sense of expectation prevailed in the conduct of the security guards and the lower staff.
The staff of the secretariat were very courteous, evoking the saying that a poor man is everyman’s door mat.
Nearly all the members of the National Working Committee, NWC were absent by midday. There was gossip that they were keeping away because of the absence of power supply.
Just about 1.30 p.m. the whole secretariat was enlivened with the chorus of Up Nepa! Up Nepa, following the restoration of power supply to the secretariat. The chorus and excitement that came with the restoration of electricity reflected the forlorn hope of those who ordinarily should form the engine room for the change that Nigerians asked for in 2015.
It was gladdening that the party did not paper over the infrastructure problem of the country by putting on its generator—even that it was learnt, is even difficult given the fact that the party is much cash strapped and can hardly afford to pay for fuel.
Source (Vanguard)
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