Actor Osita Iheme AKA pawpaw, speaks on his recently released motivational book

Comic act Osita Iheme popularly known as PawPaw recently published a 110-paged inspirational book with 101 quotes titled 'Inspired 101'. He spoke recently on why he published the book and what he intends to do with it..
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"I read a lot of books, so I got inspired by some of these books and also some societal challenges that affected me personally. Inspired 101 is basically a compilation of inspirational/motivational quotes. It took me about two years to put this together. There are a lot of challenges we go through that requires words of inspiration to help people carry on. That was why I came up with Inspired 101 which I spiced and blended with some artistic visuals. I started it in 2012 and completed it 2014.
"The main purpose of the motivational book is not just to launch it and make money but to make sure it gets to the target audience, that's Junior secondary schools. The Federal government wants to give out to these students through the Universal Basic Education. Many others are recommending it to parents" he told Encomium mag
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